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Tile & Grout Cleaning Services

Dirty tiles or grout?

AV Carpet Cleaning Services can easily solve the problem with a deep tile and grout cleaning process that is a lot of hard work (for us), but produces sparkling clean tiles and bright, clean spotless grout.

This tile and grout cleaning process if very involved and consists of five intensive processes:

  • Sweep  all of the areas to be cleaned.
  • Mop the area if needed after sweeping
  • We then treat the areas with our special tile and grout cleaning solution
  • We then scrub the area very thoroughly to work the solution into area to ensure that it is effectively cleaned.
  • We then use our pressure cleaner at 2000 psi to rinse off the solution. This is followed by a spinning powerhead which polishes the tiles and rinses the grout.
  • Our special machine has a unique disc which sucks up the dirty water as it works using a special hole system on the disc head

The only thing left behind is a sparkling tile and grout!